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Why Do Humpback Whales Love Hervey Bay?
It’s no secret we love living in Hervey Bay and lots of people love coming here for their holidays. What about the humpback whales? What attracts them to Hervey Bay for several months between June…
5 FREE things to do with kids in Hervey Bay
We understand that travelling with children can be a costly exercise. You’ve found great affordable family friendly accommodation, now let us show you some of our favourite places to visit with the kids that are…
Getaway for the weekend
Five Weekend Getaway Experiences at Sanctuary Lakes Fauna Retreat Need to escape and getaway for a few days? Going somewhere quiet and relaxing, even for a weekend, can be just the thing you need to…
Boat lover’s Paradise
Make your getaway to a boat lover’s paradise Hervey Bay is undoubtedly one of the best locations in Queensland for boating and fishing. You have to come visit and see it for yourself. Famous…